Austria shall be filled with the KNOWLEDGE of God's glory!
The Modular System
Many Christians would love to attend a good Bible School but the demands of family, career and work make it virtually impossible. We developed the modular system to specifically meet this need. Now everyone who truly desires to receive the solid foundation and practical training that Rhema affords can do so. Rhema Austria is extra-occupational and flexible making it possible to study while continuing to fulfill your responsibilities to your family, workplace and church. Students are able to complete both the Basic and Advanced Training by attending one Module (Block Seminar) per month at a location near them. Those who follow this schedule will complete the Basic Training within two years and the entire program in four. Those who desire to complete their training more rapidly may do so by visiting two Modules per month at two separate locations. By doing so they would complete the Basic Training in one year and the entire program within two.
Enrollment & Schedule:
Since our program is built on a modular system, enrollment for Basic Training is possible at all times. Enrolling in the Advanced Training however, requires the completion of Basic Training and is only possible in either February or September. Although class times may vary in different locations, normally the instruction takes place once a month on Thursday and Friday evenings and Saturday until mid afternoon.
I will never forget the first couple of weeks of my studies at Rhema. I was so overwhelmed with the things I was learning that I would often leave class with tears of genuine gratitude running down my cheeks. My time at Rhema changed my life and equipped me for the ministry in which I am now joyfully serving! I heartily recommend Rhema for all who want to serve the Lord and especially those who are called to full time ministry. - FJL
Lift up your eyes, the fields are white unto harvest!